SIGNIS members live and work in 100 countries around the globe and reflect the rich tapestry of the human family. More than ever we are connected to one another in a digital world. Globalization is not only economic—it increasingly characterizes our means of communication. Within this networked world, SIGNIS strives to move us “from social network communities to human community.”
Based on the belief that with the right tools in hand the Association would be of greater service to its mission, in 2019 major advances were made to bring the Association up to speed with digital reality. Secretariat productivity was enhanced with improved Wi-Fi, more efficient file and project sharing on the server, and plans for a VPN for remote use. In addition, worldwide connectivity among members, leadership and staff has improved exponentially through the common use of apps like Zoom and WhatsApp at minimal cost. In a sense, we now have the potential for one worldwide workplace.
2019 saw the first truly digital version of SIGNIS Media go online, with plans to make future issues multimedia in design. So too CineMag SIGNIS, newly launched last year is widely available online.
CineMag SIGNIS is thoroughly multicultural, exploring the world of film in each issue from a distinct perspective, from that of regional cinemas such as Africa to specific themes like Children. One 2019 issue was devoted to Dialogue, which promotes social and spiritual understanding and unity across cultures and religions.
A Media Education workshop on training of trainers included participant observers Carlos Ferraro (President SIGNIS ALC) and Pamela Aleman (Secretary to the Media Education Desk), offering a unique opportunity for practitioners of media education from different cultures to have a fruitful encounter.
SIGNIS members around the world also host celebrations to engage not only local filmmakers, but also television producers, actors and artists. SIGNIS Nigeria hosts the new Video-Film and Music-Video Festival, while SIGNIS member in Sri Lanka for over 40 years has held its Salutation Tele Cinema Awards, which are nationally televised.
SIGNIS publishes annual reports on the activities of the association.
The Annual Report 2019 can be downloaded in PDF format here. It is also available online here.
Scarica il Report Annuale di SIGNIS 2019 – formato PDF qui – Online qui
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