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  • Media education
  • To promote effective and efficient use of the new technologies in communication
  • To understand and use the language of new media
  •  To promote a culture of management in  a radio / TV / media  service based on economic sustainability

Our services go beyond offering our consulting services and technical assistance during the drafting and implementation of a project. After the new media facility is installed, we keep walking hand in hand with our stakeholders to make sure that the local team is sufficiently and efficiently trained to make the most of the equipment that has been provided.

A big part of this process is our training services. Depending on the specific needs of the local staff, may they be in website design, social media, podcasting, or technical, we offer custom-made online courses to guide the local staff or those who will make use of the media facilities.


As part of its internal development and to better serve the Church, SIGNIS Services Rome launched the “Project Development and Fundraising Department” in 2014, dedicated to supporting church-related entities around the world in the identification, elaboration, and presentation of project proposals to various donors (either church or private) to launch new media and communication centers.

The objective of this department is to select project ideas to support, with the aim of promoting a culture of peace and integral human development through the development of independent and pluralistic media or communication tools, in countries or geographical areas in need.

Over the years, we have fundraised nearly 2 million euros for the creation of

              • 12 radio stations
              • 2 recording studios
              • 2 communication centers
              • 2 television studios
              • Dozens of ongoing projects for the development of more of the above.