Welcome to our brand new series!
This is the first sequence of articles that SIGNIS Services Rome has designed for you, a Catholic communication worker that wishes to discover and learn about the different aspects that make up the world of project design so you can make your project ideas thrive.
At SSR, we believe that expertise is the key to being able to carry out successful projects, so through these mini lessons, we hope to add a brick to your knowledge. Our aim is to present to you one of the many tools we apply at our project design office and, from a training perspective, to introduce you to know the basics of this tool for life-long learning.
Let’s get started!
Meet the M.E.A.L. System, an international standard system used in projects to conduct monitoring, evaluation, accountability, and learning activities. M.E.A.L. is like a puzzle of four pieces in which all of them are interconnected and work together, informing and being informed by each other. This tool is very widespread and often the donors themselves ask you to use it. That’s why we think it’s important to start by understanding how it works.
We will divide this series into seven modules so you can work your way to understanding and implementing its mechanism.
From understanding the general definition of M.E.A.L., to discovering the Theory of Change, and using data to learn from what does and doesn’t work in a project, we will look at each phase of the system and learn how to recognize its potential. Specifically, we will see:
- Module 1: How to understand the M.E.A.L. system – Download
- Module 2: How to design the M.E.A.L. system – Download
- Module 3: Building a good logframe? – Download
- Module 4: Planning M.E.A.L Activities
- Module 5: Planning M.E.A.L Activities: Accountability and Learning
- Module 6: Collecting M.E.A.L. Data
- Module 7: Analyzing M.E.A.L. Data
- Module 8: How to use and what you can learn from the data collected with M.E.A.L.
All the aspects that are part of this system will be explained over the next weeks through new articles, allowing you to understand step-by-step how the different phases that compose M.E.A.L. are interdependent.
Ready? Click below to begin your journey!
MODULE 1: Understanding the M.E.A.L System – Download
If you are interested in knowing more about project writing and evaluation and would like to have the assistance of professionals, you can email us at ssr@signis.net. At SIGNIS Services Rome we are experts in the sector and have been involved in project writing for the creation and development of communications projects all over the world for decades.
*This content was curated by Valeria Appolloni and inspired by the materials published on Kaya, published for non-commercial and educational use.